lunedì 16 marzo 2009

What could happen?

The most glaring phenomenon concern climate change induced by human being.
Since the middle of last century to now, the average temperature of the planet has risen by about one degree, rising from 13.5 ° C to over 14.5 ° C.
This rate of change in average temperature is unusual.
Typically fluctuations of a degree occurred in the past over thousands of years, not decades.
The acceleration of average temperature trend of the planet is due to a sudden change in the composition chemistry induced in recent decades by human activities.
In addition to carbon dioxide and methane, the Earth's atmosphere is enriched with oxides of nitrogen, chlorofluorocarbons and sulphur dioxide from burning oil and coal.
These are all greenhouse-gas: that is, they have the capacity to absorb and retain some atmospheric heat emitted from Earth, which under normal conditions would be reflected to the space.
The greenhouse-gas, in general, increase the average temperature of the planet for natural tightening of the greenhouse effect, and they are the cause of the mild climate to which we are accustomed.
The impact of human activities on the environment has been uncontrolled, this could cause major disasters in the future, mainly because to global pollution so far produced by one part of humanity, which has thrived in welfare, is adding pollution resulting from activities of billions of other people who tend to achieve the same standard of living.
Can the Earth endure the plundering of resources which is subject to? And if so, for how long? And then, human activity amplified by globalization is acceptable? And again, the energy of which human activities need will be available to everyone? And if it were not, (as expected) there will be a part of humanity that will not survive? And if so, which? The West? The block India - China? The countries of the Muslim religion? These questions let presage a clash between civilizations for the survival of one than the other. It will be the case?

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